A Mid-Term Review of Investment in the Securing Pollination RnD4P Project

Agtrans Research

  • Project code: PRJ-011980

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Sunday, August 11, 2019

  • Project completion date: Friday, November 15, 2019

  • National Priority: SPL - Secure Pollination


The AgriFutures Securing Pollination RnD4P project is nearing the halfway mark and a review of progress to date is required. As part of its planning and review process, AgriFutures Australia requires a mid-term evaluation and review of the project against the existing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework.
The aim of this Mid-Term Review is to provide AgriFutures Australia with a review that will:
• Assess the performance to date of the project against the existing activity monitoring and evaluation plan.
• Assess the usefulness and adoption rates of RD&E to date.
• Assess the impact of the project.
• Identify opportunities for improvement in the management and reporting of the project.
• Suggest any modifications to the existing monitoring and evaluation plan for implementation through the remainder of the project.
Further, Rural R&D for Profit contracts between the lead organisation (e.g. AgriFutures) and DAWR generally stipulate that the project team (the Grantee), in collaboration with partner organisations, will undertake particular activities, including an end-of-project evaluation.
Specifically, Activity 1: Project initiation and management – Output 1(e) of the contract states: “undertake end-of-project evaluation in accordance with Output 1(d) and provide a report to the Department. The evaluation must report on the Project’s outcomes against the Programme objective, including quantitative information on the outcomes achieved and independent expert


Secure Pollination

Research Organisation

Agtrans Research

Objective Summary

Terms of Reference
1. Undertake a review of investment in the AgriFutures™ Securing Pollination program. The review will cover all projects funded by AgriFutures Australia during the three-year period 30 June 2016 to 30 June 2019.
2. Ensure that the mid term report addresses any issues that the program may have undertaking the final evaluation report, and clearly identifies how these issues may be addressed.
3. Provide a report to AgriFutures outlining the review process and its findings. The project report must be completed using the AgriFutures™ Final Report template: https://www.agrifutures.com.au/research/existing-research/
This is to address B2. Project planning and management – Output 2(d) of the agreement with the Commonwealth for the Securing Pollination Project – Provide a progress report on the evaluation of the project, delivered at the mid-point of the project.