Drought Tolerance of some New Perennial Legumes

  • 60 pages

  • Published: 21 Dec 2011

  • Author(s): Ryan, Megan, Real, Daniel, Suriyagoda, Lalith, Lambers, Hans, Renton, Michael, Pang, Jiayin

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This report assesses tolerance of water stress, and field establishment, survival and productivity, of a range of novel perennial legumes, both native and exotic to Australia, which may have potential to be developed as drought-tolerant perennial pasture species for the low rainfall wheatbelt of Western Australia.
The key result was that the exotic perennial legume Bituminaria bituminosa var. albomarginata (albo-tedera) performed well, with high establishment and survival, and good productivity. This report is targeted at people interested in developing new drought-tolerant perennial legume pasture species and people interested in the utilisation of our native flora in agriculture.