To determine residue levels of specified chemicals in specified crops

Peracto Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRJ-000880

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, August 31, 2007

  • Project completion date: Saturday, May 31, 2008

  • National Priority: NEPI-Industry building and connectivity


1. Summary: To collect residue, crop safety, and efficacy data for 11 chemicals that the herb and spice industry have prioritised for new minor use permits.
2. Outcome:
– Ensure consumer and community expectations for safe and healthy food is maintained through responsible chemical usage (measured through decrease MRL detections)
– Ensure Australian producers have access to a range of chemicals that allow them to compete in a global market
– Ensure Australian producers are not relying only on one chemical control for a crop that could lead to resistance problems
– Ensure Australian producers can develop environmentally friendly, sustainable integrated crop management systems which requires access to the latest chemistry
– Ensure consumers are accessing a system where standards of food safety and integrity are ‘world’s best’ by extending produce shelf-life through the effective treatment of field diseases
– Ensure that with climate change occurring, Australian producers have a range of chemicals ‘at the ready’ for the exotic incursions that will occur in their production regions
3. Background: Follows on from RIRDC project AUC-4A which identified the industry priorities and data required for minor use permit applications to be completed.
4. Method: 38 trials under GLP of 11 chemicals in greenhouse, hydroponic and field conditions of crops – coriander, parsley and basil.
5. Budget
– RIRDC Core: $93,750
– Industry cash contribution: $5,000
– Industry in-kind: $0
6. Reviewers: John Oakeshott, Roslyn Prinsley, Minute to MD approved


New and Emerging Plant Industries

Research Organisation

Peracto Pty Ltd

Objective Summary

Conduct residue, crop safety and efficacy trials for eleven chemicals for the herb industry. Use this information to finalise the submissions to the APVMA for minor use permits.