Placentitis: A major cause of late term foetal loss in thoroughbred mares

Equine Specialist Consulting

  • Project code: PRJ-000744

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Saturday, January 1, 2005

  • Project completion date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009

  • National Priority: HOR-Thoroughbred diseases and parasites


Thoroughbred Horses

Research Organisation

Equine Specialist Consulting

Objective Summary

The primary objective of this study is to document the development and consequences of placental abnormalities occurring during the second half of gestation in thoroughbred broodmares. Specific Objectives: 1. To correlate placental changes detected in mares by ultrasound with gross and histopathological evidence of placentitis. 2. To determine the incidence of placentitis in normal thoroughbred mares and in ‘high risk’ mares ie mares with histories of late term abortion premature delivery or delivery of a foal with intrauterine growth retardation. 3. To monitor the development and progression of placental abnormalities detected by ultrasound in normal and high risk thoroughbred mares. 4. To determine whether equine foetal and neonatal weight andhealth are correlated with placental abnormalities detected by ultrasound.