Development of a seaweed aquaculture risk assessment tool

Australian Seaweed Institute Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRO-015761

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Sunday, February 6, 2022

  • Project completion date: Monday, January 9, 2023

  • National Priority: NEI - New and Emerging Industries - M1


A key challenge for the seaweed industry is obtaining aquaculture leases and development approvals from State Governments. A key input required to this application process is a risk assessment that is robust and meets with regulator expectations.
This project will engage with seaweed phycologists, marine ecologists, regenerative aquaculture specialists, experienced seaweed aquaculture operators and regulators to develop a model risk assessment for a seaweed aquaculture project that can be used by the seaweed industry in project development applications. 
The risk assessment template will be published and made available for industry use.


New and Emerging Industries

Research Organisation

Australian Seaweed Institute Pty Ltd

Objective Summary

Develop a best practice example of a risk assessment for a seaweed aquaculture project that can be utilised by seaweed aquaculture businesses in their marine lease and development applications.