The Pharmacokinetics of Equine Medications

  • 115 pages

  • Published: 20 Jan 2012

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This RIRDC report provides information about the pharmacokinetics of 12 equine medications. For each medication, the report illustrates that time taken for the drug to reach its maximum concentration (and hence maximum effectiveness) in the blood, its rate of metabolism and removal from the bloodstream, and the time taken for the drug and its metabolites to be eliminated from the body via the urine.
The report also provides new insights into how metabolite data can be modelled to provide useful information about the behaviour of the parent drug, and how the variation between individual horses can be measured and used to estimate the level of risk of any horse in the population of breaching a detection limit at any given time point after drug administration.

This information should assist veterinarians to develop more effective treatment protocols for horses, and will assist the racing industry regulators in setting appropriate detection times and reporting levels for therapeutic substances in animals that compete.