Predicting and Managing the Risk of Annual Rye Grass Toxicity (ARGT) in Southern Australia

  • 39 pages

  • Published: 24 Sep 2009

  • Author(s): Baker, S K, Purser, D B

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This project was initiated to determine which weather events lead to high incidence and intensity of R. toxicus infection using historical data over a six-year period from 2000 to 2005. The results would then provide a framework for further work to predict the risk of high incidence of R. toxicus in hay crops and strategies to minimise the risk of contamination.
ARGT test results for all oaten hays submitted for testing by producers under contract to Gilmac Mackie Hay Pty Ltd in south-western Australia for the hay-growing seasons of 2000 to 2005 were collated. The data were compiled from three sources:
• ARGT test results from the Immunology Laboratory of DAFWA. These are results from an EIA for presence of R. toxicus in hay samples
• geographic locations of paddocks from which hay samples were taken for analysis
• using the geographic location of each paddock, weather data were provided through SILO Data Drill by the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water.