National Weeds Research Compendium Summary

  • 124 pages

  • Published: 9 Oct 2012

  • Author(s): RIRDC, Edited

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Weeds are one of the major threats to Australia’s primary production and to the natural environment.
The scourge of weeds costs Australian agriculture more than $4 billion dollars each year, including control costs and lost production.
Comprehensive research, followed by action on the ground is required to prevent this cost from increasing. During 2011-12 the National Weeds and Productivity Research Program, managed by the Rural Industries R&D Corporation, invested up to $12.4 million in more than 50 research projects that will improve our knowledge and understanding of weeds.
The research carried out as part of the RIRDC Weeds Program was varied and comprehensive. A lot of the research will provide land managers with the knowledge and tools to control weeds and reduce their impact on agriculture and biodiversity.
This publication, which provides a summary of each of the research projects, represents the conclusion of the research phase, however the knowledge and information generated will be utilised for many years to come.