National Evaluation of Sires for the Production of Quality Cashmere

  • 32 pages

  • Published: 20 Oct 2010

  • Author(s): Gray, Stephen, Martin, Graeme, Chadwick, Aprille, Milton, John , Greeff, Johan

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This RIRDC report describes a 5-year project that has produced a genetic tool for the Australian cashmere industry. A 3-year controlled breeding program was used to provide estimated progeny differences (EPDs) that can help accelerate genetic progress in the national herd an thus address the stagnation of cashmere production. The EPD values were published on a web site and growers can use them to choose superior sires for down fibre diameter, down fleece weight (or the McGregor Index), birth weight and growth rate to 12 months in kids, and worm resistance to drench.
The primary target audience is the cashmere growers of Australia.