Green tea profitability and environmental assurance

  • 204 pages

  • Published: 10 Jul 2015

  • Author(s): Golding, John, Lidbetter, Jonathan

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Producing green tea in a profitable and environmentally sustainable manner will be the basis of the Australian green tea industry. This report documents a systematic integrated approach to producing high quality green tea in Australia. There is a large market for out-of-season high quality Australian green tea in Japan and other key export markets. This project focussed on the environmental approaches to optimise yield and quality, whilst minimising any potential environmental issues. A major focus of this report is the management of nitrogen nutrition to produce high quality green tea. The report also discusses pest and diseases and some postharvest storage techniques to produce high quality green tea. Final product quality was fundamental to the aims of this project. A green tea industry workshop was conducted to facilitate industry communication and collaboration.