Final report summary: Rice variety nitrogen and agronomic management

  • 8 pages

  • Published: 3 Dec 2021

  • Author(s): Brian Dunn, Tina Dunn

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Rice is a valuable crop that provides numerous benefits to irrigated farming systems in southern New South Wales. But its production is under pressure due to reduced water availability, the associated increased cost of water and competition from other crops.

Rice growers require best management practice guidelines for rice varieties grown under the diverse range of water management practices and in different regions, to maximise grain yield, water productivity and profitability. This project collected essential rice agronomic, nitrogen and phenology data, validated it over several seasons, and produced user-friendly variety growing guidelines for all new release and current rice varieties grown in southern NSW.

The information produced by this project covers standard and water-saving practices, and was extended to growers and agronomists through multiple methods. The outputs from this project are crucial for rice growers to maximise grain yield and water productivity, which are essential for maintaining a viable rice industry into the future.