Feasibility of Establishing a Northern Western Australian Beef Abattoir

  • 75 pages

  • Published: 26 Nov 2010

  • Author(s): Robert Rouda

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This study has been commissioned by RIRDC and the Department of Food and Agriculture (WA) to undertake a preliminary investigation of the need for a beef processing capability to service the WA Rangelands cattle production industry.
Since the closure of many smaller regional abattoirs since 1990 and the rise of the live export trade, there are few options for northern region producers to access a processing option for their product.  The rise of Indonesia as the dominant market for northern Australian live exports (90%), exposure to the import policies of that country is of increasing concern to the industry.
This study examines, at pre-feasibility level, the potential viability of an abattoir (or abattoirs), particularly from a physical supply chain perspective.  It includes a capital cost estimate for a new facility, and recommendations as to the best location for an abattoir to provide maximum benefit to the greatest number of producers.