Estimating the Potential Public Costs of the Asian Honeybee Incursion

  • 39 pages

  • Published: 10 May 2010

  • Author(s): Ryan, Terry

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The current Asian Honey Bee (AHB) incursion in Cairns is being managed by Biosecurity Queensland and has involved an investment of over $1 million, from initial detection in May 2007 up to 31 December 2009.
One of the crucial issues in developing a response to the Asian Honey Bee incursion in Cairns is determining the appropriate level of industry contributions towards the total cost. The proportion of the costs to be borne by industry can vary between 20 percent and 80 percent, dependent upon the benefit cost analysis. To ensure appropriate proportions of the response are paid it is necessary to identify the public benefits and costs as well as industry benefits and costs.