Developing Harvest Technologies for Cullen australasicum

  • 37 pages

  • Published: 20 Oct 2011

  • Author(s): Kobelt, Eric , Hughes , Steve , Humphries, Alan

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There is an urgent need for resilient perennial pasture species in the low to medium rainfall (250-500mm) regions of southern and northern Australia. Cullen australasicum has excellent potential to be a new perennial pasture plant for grazing industries in these dry areas. Cullen has shown to be more drought hardy than other pasture plants and, as a native, is well adapted to the Australian environment. Its broad distribution in low rainfall environments indicates that Cullen could be grown across a wide area providing a resilient option in the face of climate change. Cullen’s ability to produce low cost seed is a key issue for the seed industry and is fundamental for commercialisation and large-scale, broad acre adoption of this promising new species. There is currently no commercial seed production of Cullen. This project investigated the best ways to grow and harvest the seed.
This report is aimed at seed growers who might produce seed of Cullen australasicum, including seed production agronomists and plant researchers developing new and undomesticated plants.