Canopy management strategies for wildflower crops – A practical manual

  • 88 pages

  • Published: 5 Jun 2015

  • Author(s): Gerber, Audrey

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With the vast range of products grown in the Australian wildflower industry it is impossible to design a single canopy management strategy which will apply to all plants. This manual attempts to provide sufficient information on general and specific growth habit of the most important Australian wildflower products to enable growers to understand the factors affecting plant yield in order to implement the suggested strategies and techniques for best business advantage. Further, this information is intended to assist growers to adapt and adopt the principles for future products, and to a range of different climatic and edaphic conditions.

In addition to individual product canopy management profiles, the manual includes a section on the principles of canopy management which covers a range of topics such as plant growth habit, methods used in canopy management, pruning techniques, and the reasons and practicalities of pruning. A glossary and useful references are included to assist new and current industry participants.