Agronomic and extraction parameters for Centipeda (Part 1)

  • 77 pages

  • Published: 5 Sep 2018

  • Author(s): Robert Spooner-Hart, David Leach

  • ISBN: 978-1-74254-998-9

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Utilisation of Australia’s rich floral resources has been a key impetus for development of new rural industries. Australia currently has a small, underdeveloped industry based on production and extraction of Centipeda cunninghamii, an endemic traditional medicinal plant. There is increasing national and international interest in high-quality C. cunninghamii extracts. This publication reports investigations on agronomic, harvest and postharvest issues which would assist in the development of a viable Australian Centipeda industry. This research aims to benefit current and potential farmers with experience in medicinal plant production and/or organic production as well as agricultural, medicinal plant, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical industry consultants.