AgriFutures Honey Bee & Pollination Program RD&E Plan 2020-2025

  • 48 pages

  • Published: 8 Dec 2023

  • Author(s): Michael Clarke

  • ISBN: 978-1-76053-431-8

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The AgriFutures Honey Bee & Pollination Program invests in research, development and extension (RD&E) to foster a more productive, sustainable and profitable Australian beekeeping industry and secure the pollination of Australia’s horticultural and agricultural crops.

The industry produces about 37,000 tonnes of honey per annum. Recently, the value of honey bee hive products was estimated at $224 million per annum, while the unrecognised value of honey bee pollination is believed to be in the order of $14.2 billion per annum.

The AgriFutures Honey Bee & Pollination Program RD&E Plan 2020-2025 is a key part of implementing AgriFutures Australia’s overarching Research and Innovation Strategic Plan 2022-2027 and guides investment on behalf of honey bee industry stakeholders. Following a mid-term review, an update was required to incorporate review recommendations and industry changes since 2020. This revised Plan is the product of that process and will replace the current Plan.

The Plan has benefitted from extensive industry consultation and external evaluation. Industry consultation was completed via interviews and workshops in 2019 and again in 2023 to generate the amended priorities listed within this document.

AgriFutures Australia will continue to work with the honey bee and pollination industry to ensure the five-year research priorities meet industry needs and are informed by Australian Government priorities. To achieve this, the Plan identifies clear investment strategies specific to each priority.

The adoption of RD&E outcomes is fundamental to success, and just as we have with this Plan, AgriFutures Australia will continue to foster strong relationships with industry partners to ensure RD&E investment leads to practical knowledge and innovation that can be adopted by industry members. Further, AgriFutures Australia will work with industry and government stakeholders to ensure the corporation invests in knowledge that is useful and adopted by end users.